Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Holy moly where does the time go? I have 2 and a half weeks left! And then bam I'm going to Mexico!

Boy have a learned a lot and it's only been 4 weeks. Just a few highlights from this week due to shortness of time:
Finally had a Great lesson with Alejandro! He opened up to us after like 3 lessons...I think because he felt like we really cared and that we were listening. So muy bien! (very good)

Had an incredible lesson with Elida!! We taught of Christ and His Atonement and the Spirit was there and you could tell Elida was feeling the Spirit and it was such a good feeling. At the end we asked her to give the closing prayer and she gave the most beautiful one ever and I had the prompting to say, "God loves you Elida," and then she looked at me and said, "You Hermanas are the hands of God." Pulled on my heart strings. Especially because we had been struggling with teaching lessons. That was a definite blessing to hear and feel that. It was great because then it carried over into our lesson with Alejandro and that's when we had the great lesson with him. Oh and also Elida came to church on Sunday after we invited her! Yippee!

We received another Investigator again this week and we teach her every day AS a District. Yeah! All 6 of us! Try being on the same page as your companion in a lesson, let alone having 5 more companions...Haha it is very interesting. Anyways, her name is Ivelisse and she is from Venezuela. She is very difficult! She throws scriptures at us like there is no tomorrow! We have yet to have a good lesson with her. We are just trying to figure out how to teach all together and for only 20 minutes. It's super difficult. 

Hermana Johnson and I had a lesson with Elida just on Tuesday and we were so excited because we were going to ask how church was and how everything is going and then boom...she invited us in and she looked really sad so we asked what was wrong and she said her family doesn't want her to see us any more. Yep our lesson just went right out the door. It happens like literally every time we teach. We never give our actual planned lesson haha. Anyways, so we asked her if she believes in the Church and in Christ and now she says she doesn't know anymore and its just so sad...everything was going great and perfect. So I told her that she need to pray to ask heavenly Father if the Church was true and that if she asked for help, Heavenly Father would soften her families hearts. So we are hoping and praying for her. We teach her tonight for 25 minutes and have a lesson planned but we are just going in there to see how she is doing.

Pray for our Investigators! Pray their hearts will open and they will have a desire to change!

I hope everyone is doing grand and know that I miss you all!

Hermana Grover
P.S. Please pray for me that I will be able to handle my stress and whatever else comes to your mind because it was probably inspired! Por favor! Prayers would be so gratefully appreciated.

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