Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Commandments and Prayer

This week was gooood. We found 14 new people just through contacting them on the street! Whoop whoop! But we tried to find every single one of them this week and haven't been able to catch them at the right time in their they are never home. :( But that's okay, I know if its what they need to Lord will provide a way for us to find and teach them! We had a little miracle happen though yesterday! Last week on Sunday we contacted a kid in the street. His name is Antonio Gomez. Anyways, so we have been teaching him this whole week and its just been great! But the problem is that he works in a Tortilleria (tortilla store) everyday and has to ask 15 days ahead of time to get a day off. So he was like ya I wont be able to go to church this week. So, my comp and I felt the same impression in the lesson and we just said if this is something you want to do, and if you pray for help we Know the Lord will provide a way for you to attend church this week with us because when the Lord gives us a commandment and we want to live it, He will Always provide a way for us to be obedient to it. So we prayed and prayed the whole week and on Sunday morning like 4 hours before church started he called us and with such a happy and pleased voice he said, "I asked my boss yesterday and he said that I can go to church with you today!!!" My comp and I just looked at each other and we just wanted to shout for joy! He was the only investigator that came yesterday.
The Lord is looking out for us and He is blessing us more than I can even realize. That little miracle strengthened my testimony on commandments and prayer. I know with all my heart if we want to be obedient to the commandments, He will Always provide us a way to accomplish it. He is always there and He is always listening. 

I gave my talk yesterday. They told me that I just needed to talk on whatever I felt the ward needed to hear. Ha joy. No, but actually I was surprised how easy it was for me to talk up there. Usually I get soooo nervous but when I got up I just looked out and I remembered my talk and I said things that weren't even in my talk and I just did it. Yeah, it wasn't prefect Spanish but it went pretty well and I felt the Spirit and that's what matters. Afterwards a little 10 year old boy came up to me and said ¨congratulations! Your Spanish is getting so much better! I just loved your talk and it was so sweet.¨ Awww it was so cute. He is such a sweet kid. 

I just love the people here. They are so nice and the food here is Soooo good. Wow its really good, haha. 
Anyways, I love you all and hope you have a great week!

Hermana Grover

p.s since my comp and I are both Americans and have blond hair...well lets just say we've had some pretty funny experiences with people in the street. We were in the central city and a guy came up to us just saying you guys are so beautiful, where are you going, where do you live, oh my goodness you are just So gorgeous can I go to your church, etc. it was a little freaky and then he grabbed my hand and tried to kiss it and then grabbed my comps shoulder and we freaked out a little bit and walked away just laughing. It was so weird haha. But yeah its pretty funny. Don't worry nothing bad is going to happen! :)

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