Thursday, June 5, 2014

Hello fambalina!

This week was by far the best! I have learned more this week than I have the past weeks i´ve been here. First off, I dont get to learn another language! :( But Im kinda happy because that takes off a lot of stress haha. We found missionaries that speak sotsil that are closer to where the investigators live. 

This week I have REally started to recognize the Spirit. Holy cow I have had some crazy experiences. Some are just simple as to: talk to this person and they end up wanting to hear more and become new investigators. There have been specific times where I did not listen to the Spirit because I wasnt sure if it was right or not. For example real quick because I dont have much time but: we were walking down the street and I saw this man that we had talked to a week ago, for directions becuase we were lost. I gave him a passalong card and we left. So as we were walking down the street about two days ago I saw him. Immediately a thought entered my head, go talk to him. I thought psh naw thats weird, what do I say? So I ignored it. As we passed him he saw us and came running up to us yelling wait wait! You gave me a card a while back about faith and you have a dvd about faith. Could you give me it please? I just stared at him. Seriously?! It was the Spirit! Im lucky that he came after us because lots of times its a one chance deal in missionary work and if you dont listen to the Spirit in seconds, the opportunity could be gone. So we gave him the dvd the next day and had a lesson with him and he wants to hear more. We have a new investigator. Oh so cool! there have been other experiences this week that I wrote in my journal so dont worry. You can hear about them when I get home haha. 

I love the Lord and I love doing His work. Yes I am still struggling, especially with the language but I am starting to focus more on my purpose and not on myself. It has definitely made a difference. 

Love you all and hope you have a great week! We have comp changes in 3 weeks. and thats when Im done with my training! Yikes! Im super nervous haha. Who knows if I will be transferred or my comp will be. Excited to see what happens!

Hermana Grover

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