Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Serve Your Neighbors

Oiga! (hey) 

This week was wow haha. Lots of things happened. First off we have 8 investigators with baptisms set!!!! SUper excited! I just pray and pray that they all happen! They are all happening within the next 2-3 weeks! Wowza the time is flying. Seriously. Uh this week I got seriously sick but thanks to my pills I brought from the doctors I recovered in 2 days. I was just throwing up and diarrhea, fever and oy it was nasty! (I missed you Mom haha. I kept thinking the whole time while I was sick, "wow I wish I was with Mom watching Ever After right now." hahaha). But all is good now. A quicky thing because no time. We were contacting in the Park (central park next to our house) and I saw this lady with two kids playing soccer and I thought oh my thats so adorable lets share our message with her. So my comp and I started talking to her and she wanted to hear more so we set up an appointment! We went to the appointment and it ends up she lives Right next door to a family of members of the Church! They never said a peep to her about the Gospel and she didnt even know they were LDS. Anyways the lesson was incredible and she cried and wants to hear more and she is Married! Hallelujah! Haha its not the norm to be married here. Seriously. Anyways what I learned is lots of times the people most prepared to hear the Gospel are A Lot closer than we think. Its not always some random person you see in wal mart. They can be your neighboors your colleages and yadda yadda. Im not saying you have to go and share the Gospel with them but just be an example and try to serve the people you know. An example and service goes a looooong ways. So I challenge you all to serve your neighboor or friend or whomever this week and I want you to email me how you felt! :) haha I love you all and hope you all are seeing the Blessings of the Lord in your lives. Youre blessed a lot more than you realize. 

Love Hermana Grover

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