Sunday, March 9, 2014

Well I hate to say this but this week nothing that exciting happened. Haha. 

Uh actually no, I lied! Something crazy happened!
Remember the investigator we have been teaching? Jose? Yeah...we ended our last lesson with him last Wednesday. The next day he showed up in a suit and tie in our classroom and said I'm Hermano Keller and I will be your teacher until you leave for Mexico.....Probably the most embarrassing moment of my life. I started thinking like yeah it's ok about the stuff I said to him because I'll never see him again. Ha. So he is our teacher and he told us how we did overall not like individually in a companionship. So to all our district. He actually said some stuff that helped him a lot that my companion and I said in our lessons so that was a huge sigh of relief. Pretty cool.

Anyways, so now our teachers Hermano Keller and Hermana Gibson are our new investigators. Alejandro and Elida. We've taught both of them twice. But we also did door approaches with both of them and lets just skip the details because they were so bad. We obviously don't have any idea what we're doing haha. Funny thing actually, we did a door approach with Alejandro and we introduced ourselves and said why we were there but we were supposed to go inside. So we tell him why we're there and then it was like awkward silence for a few minutes and I was supposed to say we want to get to know you a little bit and then share a quick message but I totally forgot. So in that awkward silence of just meeting I said so what do you like to do? He just stared at me and was like uhhh why are you asking me this? Haha it was really embarrassing. I have the worst experiences with Hermano Keller. 

I'm still struggling with the language. And let me tell you I am humbled every single day I'm here at the MTC. I have realized that without the Lord no part of missionary work is possible. I have learned so many things that I want to share with you but 1. I left my notebook in my room and 2. I don't have time. So hopefully next week!

Sorry this is short but I have to go!

Love you all and keep writing me letters, dearelders, and e-mails! Much appreciated!

Hermana Grover

p.s. my District's motto is Si se Puede! It means yes you can! So if you are having a hard time with something in your life think of those words and know that you can do it! ESPECIALLY if you ask the Lord to help you.

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