Monday, August 25, 2014

Baptism and Atonement

This is when we went to the zoo! All 3 zones. 

Shyloh and her companion (next to her) Hermana Knight
   My zone and my Mission President
So the President called me Saturday and told me that Faustino (the old guy I always talked about that Hna Tejeda and I contacted him in the street) welp he just got BAPTIZED Saturday!!! Awwww my 3rd! So exciting! I know I wasn't there to see it but just the fact that he got baptized makes it all okay. 

You know, there´s always going to be trials. The Lord is always going to test our faith. So yeah, we have some hardships right now with investigators going to church and just finding them and its testing me in a whole different way than my first few months on my mission. But, I know that my faith is growing and I definitely have never had this much faith in my life haha. So I'm grateful for it but at the same time its hard. Even if we are being exactly obedient and using the Atonement every single day and we still don't see any results and sometimes its opposite of what it should be, I know, with all my heart that Jesus is the Christ. Jeffrey R. Holland´s words left a mark on my heart, ¨That when He was on the earth, even He was rejected. It was not easy for Him, it never was easy so why should it be easy for you? Salvation was never easy.¨ 
I don't even know where to end with that. I don't really want to end in my words because Elder Holland said it so perfectly and powerfully. But from these trials I have a firm testimony that the Lord is there. He is mindful of you and He is mindful of me. We will never suffer as much as He did. Use His Atonement because it is there for you. I know that He is my Savior and that Only through Him we can be happy in this life and even more happy in the next. Only through Him, may we obtain Salvation. 
I love this Gospel and I love my Savior. Through Him I can do all things.

I hope you all have a great week and learn more of our Savior. Because through Him can we Truly be happy in this life. 

Hermana Grover 

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