Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Vasquez's Recommitted

Gosh I'm so sorry I feel like I never have time to write...its because I really don't have time. But...we visited the Family Vasquez yesterday and we had the most incredible and amazing experience of my entire life! They were very hesitant about baptism, but after yesterday I invited them to baptism again and after a long time of silence...and them saying how they felt...they said YES!!!! The 6th of December!!!!!!!!!!!! I cant be any happier! I am so excited! I am more excited because the mom is SUPER excited and we explained the Holy Ghost and how she'll receive it and she´ll be baptized with her husband and her daughter all on the same day. Then the dad was super hesitant but after talking he got soooo excited and was cracking jokes with me about the 6th, when before he didn't want to talk about it...I cant describe it very well in a rush and over email! But I wrote it all down in my journal so don't worry! You'll hear every detail soon...and probably several times haha. Hna Cervantes will be coming on Saturday and we will have the baptism at 2 or 3 in the afternoon! The only downfall is one of the daughters doesn't want to be we´re talking with her this Friday but. We at least got three! I know Karen will be baptized; it'll just take her sometime. But her dad can baptize her when he receives the priesthood! So were super excited. Also were taking them to the Temple this weekend and now the grandpa wants to go and will go to the temple with us this weekend!!! We´re super excited!
Also..the dad: Rayner has cancer..he is going through chemo (kemo)? I don't remember how to spell it haha sorry. but yeah he's having that Friday if you could keep him in your prayers that he´ll have a good recovery and be able to enjoy the Temple and that everything will go well! That would be so greatly appreciated :) Thank you so much!
I love you all and have a great week!
Just want to say that I know this church is true and I know the Atonement and the Gospel changes lives. I've seen it happen not just in a person but in an entire family.

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