Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Challenge: "Watch He is the Gift", read in the Book of Mormon and ask God if the book is true, HE WILL ANSWER

Hey hey everybody!
This week was good. Still working. There seems to be not enough hours in the day to do everything! My feet hurt really bad this week because we are trying to find a ton of people to teach and we have just been walking around for Hours everyday! But we have found a bunch of families! Its great! We have a baptism date for Christmas! Hopefully it happens! If it happens it will definitely be a white Christmas!! :) how cool no? This week we have our Christmas party as missionaries and we are acting out the nativity scene and out of everyone they asked me to be the Angel! Lame, I totally don't want to do it haha. Its all in Spanish and I have to talk super fluent and memorize a ton of lines and an Angel shows like no emotion so I guess its not too bad haha. But other than that I´ll talk to you next week! We had the COOLEST lesson with an atheist on Thursday and we shared with him and his family He is The Gift and then talked about the BoM and it literally was the Bomb! Never in my entire life nor on my mission have I ever felt the Spirit so strongly and knew for a Fact that he felt it too. Experiences that happen here are so sacred to me and so special. They are like that pearl of great prize. Maybe they are super super small but they are worth more than a thousand written recommendations.
I know this church is true. I know that God lives and loves me personally and each one of you individually. He is always there even though it seems like He isn't. I know with all of my heart that Joseph Smith is and was a true Prophet of God. I know that many things in this life you just gotta have faith in Christ even if it seems there are facts to prove you wrong. I know that it is through our Testimony and Faith in Christ that holds us together. I know that we will Never fall if we just stay true to the commandments and covenants that we have made with Him. Lastly, I know that the Book of Mormon is truly the word of God. I know that know matter what is out there, if we will read it we will find answers and we will only strengthen our testimonies. I love each and every one of you. I hope, for this Christmas, that you will watch the short youtube video called ¨He is the Gift¨ and then read wherever you want in the Book of Mormon and then afterwards ask God with faith in Him if the book is true, I know He will answer you. Even if you already know it is true I ask you to read and pray about it again, but with faith. I know you will receive a confirming witness again. I cannot deny my testimony nor will I, that I know He answers our sincere prayers.
Love you all and have a great week
Hermana Grover
Look! I got a pic with a mariachi band! Saweet! They let me hold their accordion too haha

Look who found me in the mall today?!?!! Jhoanna!!! My first convert!!!!!!!!!! Oh it was the best! I haven't seen her since July :( It was so great and she was so excited to see me :) not to brag or anything... :P hahah jk

My District! We went to the Mall, our three zones and the three stakes sang while all the missionaries contacted! it was the coolest! We contacted 88 people and some other missionaries like 140! Imagine HOW many people we contacted! Great way to do missionary work! Merry Christmas!

My fav member in Moctezum! I saw so many people this week it was great! :)

Look! I got a pic with a mariachi band! Saweet! They let me hold their accordian too haha

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