Wednesday, January 7, 2015

A Baptism Date for 4 Year Investigator!

So we worked our booties off this week and it paid off! We are finding more investigators and I'm happy :) He have many baptismal dates set up for each week this month and going into February. We are praying our brains out to see everyone of them happen! Prays would be gratefully appreciated!
Cool experience that happened this week: we have been with this one investigator for forever! and she has listened to the missionaries for 4 Years! That's insane. We have been working with her and working with her and finally we gave up because the results were always the same. But then we thought yesterday...lets go visit her! We're going to baptize her this transfer! So we went last night and it started off the same...she just does not have faith. Then she started telling us and opening up to us about her faith and giving us examples of how she feels. She started off giving an example and I was praying my guts out to help her understand faith more in her own example. She gave us her example and then the words just came to me and I went on with her example and explained more about faith. it was incredible. I would not have thought about those things but the Spirit was with us! Then finally she started telling us everything.  She said that one time she prayed so hard because she got super sick and she would wake up in the night and just start praying to receive help and she said as I prayed, I got worse. My sickness was getting worse so I just lost all my faith.
While in the lesson I was thinking well darn what do we say to that...haha. But then she said that all these people started coming to her house and helping her out and then it clicked. So we told her that the Lord isn't always going to just heal you automatically, but he sends people lots of time to help. When you got even more sick maybe it was a trail of your faith even more! But we don't always receive the answer that we think we will get or want. It comes in so many different ways.
When we said that stuff she just stared at wow..I really did receive my answer all this time and never noticed it..I'm SO happy I could scream! Finally! Anyways, we are going to visit her this week and hopefully the next week she can be baptized! Saweet! Things are going great and I'm super happy!
Hope you all had a great new years!
Hermana Grover

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