Monday, September 8, 2014

The Temple

A couple days ago I woke up at like 4 in the morning and couldn't stop thinking about a family that Hna Knight and I found. We've been teaching them for a little bit and I don´t know they have a lot of potential. We want them to be baptized sooo badly but the dad is a little slower progressing. The mom wants it badly though. Anyways I just could not stop thinking about them and I was wide awake. So I was thinking about all the lessons we've given them and how we've been focusing a lot on families. Then a thought came to my mind: teach about Temples and then take them for a tour in the Temple. About a few minutes after that thought I fell asleep.
So I'm close by the Temple but the area of the Temple is the Sister Training Leaders. They give tours of the Temple to their investigators. So in the morning I told my comp about everything and it turns out that you don´t just have to be in the area of the Temple to give a tour. So we can go give a tour for them sometime this week. She agreed that's what we needed to do. So in personal study that morning I studied about Temples and wow. I think that whole waking up thing wasn't just an accident. It has been super hard in our area lately and we've just been feeling really...incapable because all of our dates keep falling and couldn't find anyone and it was just hard. Anyways so for a couple weeks we were just feeling like we weren't receiving any guidance. We just had no idea what to do anymore and every personal study seemed like we were studying the same thing and worrying about the same thing and it was getting very discouraging.
Anyways, when I studied about the Temple, I don´t know how to explain my feelings but it was so incredible. I felt so at peace and that finally my personal study was effective. My comp studied the same thing and then we shared the things we learned and felt and she felt the same as me. But something that I love that she shared with me was: When everything seems so lost and your mind is foggy and you just don't know what to do. Go to the Temple and those things will clear and you will receive guidance or strength.
It seemed like that was just perfect. Exactly what we needed to hear. So we talked to the President and he said we can actually do a session! He wants to go with us so we have a session for tomorrow at 7pm with the Pres and his wife. We´re sooo excited and just feel like that is what we need to do. Finally its like we received guidance and we were just so at peace. It was awesome.
I've learned that the 2 most important things we need to learn about in this life are the Atonement of Jesus Christ and the Temples.
So really if you ever feel lost or just don't know where to go or what to do. Go to the Temple. That should always be our goal. Go to the Temple. Even if it just means to be on the Temple grounds. Just go :)
Love you all and hope you have a great week!
Hermana Grover
ps transfers are this next Monday!

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