Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Most Amazing Lesson Yet!

Greetings from Jobo! I tiny city on top of a mountain where you walk down the street and there is literally no one around haha. Its pretty sweet here though. 

General Conference was amazing huh?! Ohhh myyyy. I'm so glad that you made questions and received answers! The coolest no?! 

First off...we don't have many investigators and we're trying to find more. This week we've reeeally felt that there is something missing in the ward. We sat down as a companionship and thought about it. We received some awesome revelation and set up activities the way we felt we could help our ward. Those activities will be happening this week! Super excited. I think in this ward I might not be getting a lot of baptisms. I think Ill be strengthening the members more than anything. 

No obstante! (but) we contacted two little girls in the street about 2 weeks ago...15 and 12 years old. They are sisters. We have met with them 3 times. (they have dates for the 15th of Nov to be baptized) Yesterday was the 4th, we went to their house to teach them a lesson and their Dad walked in when we sat down and he started talking to us. We had talked to him the last time too. Not lesson wise, just talking. Anyways, we got to talking again and then a little time passed and he told the wife to come and sit down. So, there was a little family of 4 and we started our lesson. It was so awesome because first it was just the 2, then it was the Dad and then the Mom and we had the whole family. Our goal is to find families. Anyways, after we sang a song the Grandpa came in and started listening. Then a cousin came in and started listening! So now we were talking to a family of 6! And it turns out that the cousin's wife, we had contacted her in the street and set up an appointment with her! was super cool. But sooo nerve wracking. Just having 6 people stare at you when you are teaching them haha. Wow! so scary. I was praying my GUTS out....

That was the most incredible lesson I've had on my mission. They stared at us as each one of us took turns speaking. They stared as if we touched to the center of their hearts and were just soaking up every little word we had to say. It was the coolest experience. We had no idea what to teach and we sure didn't plan for it to happen. But, the words just came to our minds. I always wanted that to happen and I think I just never quite believed that it could...but it did. I don't know what words I said nor my companion that touched their hearts but I know that it was the Spirit. It was such a beautiful and sacred experience that I will never forget. After the lesson, yet we still had to say a prayer...2 MORE family members came in!! The brother of the Mom and his wife! Then we started talking to them and it turns out that the wife's sister is my bishop's wife in my first area chiapa de corzo! wooooow! We set up an appointment to meet with them as well. WOW! Talk about the coolest thing ever. 8 people in an hour and a half.

So that was my week. :) hope yours was great! We only have two weeks left and then transfers! Already! I'm almost at my 8 month mark! Yikes! 

Hope you all have a great week!! Love you all so much and miss you always! 
Hermana Grover

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