Monday, February 23, 2015

The Sprit Really Does Speak to Us

I am learning so much its great. These last two weeks are going to be so full of things to do! Then its transfers and wow! Its just flying by. This week was great. I got to work with Hna. Cervantes for 3 days! It was the best! Just like old times and we realized that we literally are the same person! 6 weeks together and we didn't realize it till now and we were only together for 3 days! Crazy but we helped each other so much and I really needed it. Ah! The mission is so inspired! 

Anyways I'll tell you an experience that happened so far this transfer!
I´ll just tell you one thing that happened in the past few weeks up until now. In my personal study I felt a strong impression that we could baptize someone that weekend. So I talked to my comp and she told me all the possibilities that have the 5 attendance in church. We prayed about it and felt that one of them, Arturo, could be baptized. So we called him and called him and didn't answer. We said a prayer and called him again and still didn't answer. But we didn't give up. The next day we called him again and he answered and said that he'd be in town on a Wednesday. So we set up an appointment and that was when I got sick and my comp didn't get to visit him. I was bummed and honestly lots of things were happening that week with me being sick and everything that I kind of forgot about it. Then that Sunday hno. Ansel told us that he had just talked to Arturo and he's super excited and wants to be baptized! I was like what?! Then just yesterday he came to church and we found out that he lives en the Elder´s area. So they interviewed him and he got baptized yesterday! Anyways even though it didn't count as ¨my baptism¨ it was just another little miracle shown to me that the Spirit really does speak to me. Ever since I prayed to know if the Spirit really speaks to me, I have seen so many little miracles everyday! Its incredible and I'm just learning that the Spirit talks to us like constantly and I'm learning that I don't obey his voice as much as I should. We, as members, really truly have the gift of the Holy Ghost and he guides us constantly but we will not realize, nor hear it if our lives aren't in harmony with the teachings of the Gospel, and if we are not searching or listening for him.
Everyday there is a new miracle that I realize that I didn't listen to the Spirit or I did. I have never felt so guided in my life. I am now realizing that everything happens for a reason. Our lives were planned and our Father in Heaven really truly loves us. We are so blessed every single day and we don't even realize it. 

I love you all and hope you have a great week! Happy Valentines Day to all! :)
Hermana Grover

Sweet iguana! We were teaching a lesson outside with a stranger and a random lady came running out yelling at everyone that she just killed an iguana hahaha. So I asked if I could hold it. It was funny but ohhh the iguana felt so gross! It was still all soft and warm..eww I felt like it was just going to open its eyes and bite me haha. 

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