Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Whom the Lord Calls, He Prepares

We will be having two baptisms this Friday!! So excited! They are just great people and have progressed so much. Ive really seen the Lord´s hand in their lives. Both do not understand things very well because of little schooling and one is a major alcoholic. The alcoholic is named Octavio. Hes 58 years old and such a humble man. We only told him twice to stop drinking ( he's been drinking his whole life) and he completely dropped smoking, drinking, and coffee in 2 weeks! Incredible. ¨whom the Lord calls, He prepares¨ I have definitely seen this happening. 
The mission is incredible! This week we basically aren't going to be doing anything though! We have soo many activities planned. We are going to a ranch on Wednesday as a zone activity and I heard its totally sweet so that'll be exciting and then on Friday we have the baptisms and on Saturday Elder Oaks is coming to speak to all the missionaries in the whole mission! So excited..and I'm in the choir. Yikes..don't know why they put me in there. But anyways until next week! Which are transfers this coming Monday! Wow, crazy fast this transfer went by. 

Love you all!
Hermana Grover

we had a conference this week with our stake (but its only a district). Anyways we were in the choir and these dresses are traditional dresses in Oaxaca! Chiapas also has them. Anyway, they have the headband things and you have to do your hair a special way with braids and things. I felt like one of the 10 virgins but it was really cool to wear them and be apart of that little experience. These shirts and dresses are hand made! Every little flower and everything! crazy. They are so beautiful but super hot.

Also, its traditional for the boys to wear ties with these hand sewn flowers. It may seem girly but they are so sweet and come in so many different colors! Its totally awesome! 
Also this is a family that we have been teaching and they want to be baptized! they have been changing so fast, so rapidly its incredible! They are so awesome and such a blessing to me. 

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