Sunday, March 29, 2015

Loss of Hearing in Left Ear and Dizziness

Hey hey hey!

So just a quick update. I am back in the mission home...worked for about a week and then my dizziness came back and they brought me back. I went to the doctors again and they said that its a nasal infection...I don't know how much I believe that but they gave me 3 weeks longer of not hearing...lovely. It's alright though, I will push through. Thanks for your prayers. I will hopefully be going back to work on Wednesday. I'm just here now to see if the medications will work and that it's dangerous for me to work because of the dizziness. So that's about all that's going on right now. 

I know that God lives.  I know He listens to us. I know that He is mindful of us and our needs even though we are so imperfect and don't deserve it but He answers because we are literally His children and He is our Father. Our loving Father. I know each one of you are loved and watched over everyday. Have a great week and I'll let y'all know what happens this coming week! 

Hermana Grover

 These are my sister training leaders with all my electrolytes: Sister Pugh and Sister Salazar. They are so great. They stayed with me there in my house for 4 days, such sweet kind girls. Sister Pugh is from Washington and Sister Salazar is from Sanora Mexico.
 These are all the electrolytes I drank. It was 11 I think, to help me with the vertigo
The sister training leaders thought it was so funny how many electrolytes i had to drink in 2 days! So they made it into a G.

 This is Octavio and his dad Manuel! Octavio is behind me and Manuel behind my new companion, Sister Contreras. She is from El Salvador. Octavio lives on a mango ranch. Chahuites is known for mangoes and so there are mangoes Everywhere! That's all we eat. Like everyday...I'm not complaining though. Sooo good.
Mangoes de Oro (Gold Mangoes) These you eat with salt, chili, and pozol blanco (its a white drink and its not my favorite ha.)

So many mangoes! I don't remember the name of these but they aren't ripe. They are still waiting.

My companion. She is great! The humblest person Ive ever met!
 We were craving tacos so we pigged out and ate the famous tacos of Chahuites that I love oh so very dearly!

A family that we are teaching! They are just the cutest. The little boy had totally just face planted in the dirt like a 10 seconds before the picture. It was so funny. Their names are Irvin, Jose, and Yulibet.

President and Sister George took sister Johnson and I to Chojolho in San Cristobal for a little trip! Yep I am finally reunited with Sister Johnson. Couldn't be happier! She just had a surgery done and so we are roomies in the mission home ha. (President and his cool shades...they have skulls on the side of them. He is so funny)

This is part of the view in Chojolho. Its an indigenous place! So the language they speak here is Tzotzil. Its so beautiful here and I feel like I was going through the Shire in Lord of the Rings haha. It was like rolling hills of green and mini houses and the people were in these dresses and stuff herding their sheep. Crazy cool. Very different

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