Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Lots of Studying and Prepare for General Conference

Hey! Still in he mission home but I'm learning tons! That's always a good thing right? I am so sorry that some of my letters are just stinky...I really am learning tons and I want to share everything but I'm limited to time. What I have been studying lately is the atonement. Surprise, surprise. It is so immense and profound to understand and will take more than this lifetime to understand but it's the most important thing in this life. 

I hope you all prepare to watch general conference this week through reading scriptures, prayers, or thinking of a Great question that you'd like to have answered. I know that through your faith it will be answered and you will strengthen your testimony that much more of Jesus Christ and that He speaks through prophets. 

I know that we make decisions every single day and every decision is a choice between following Gods plan or not.  Our agency was one of the greatest gifts that we have been blessed with. We need to seek the council of the Lord through His tools that He has bless us with. Nothing else. He has provided a way, and that's where we can choose peace and joy and really feel it. I know that Heavenly Father and the Lord love each one of you so much.  I know that you're all important.  I know that we need to listen to the spirit and seek his guidance, warnings and council. 

I love you all and thank you for the prayers and fasts.  I am so blessed to have family and friends like you all. 

Hna Grover

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